Warm greetins and Blessings and Prayers for Hindu brothers and Sisters on the celebration of Diwali all over the World. God Bless all!

On 5th November 2010 evening Diwali Celebration eve was held at Balmeak Mander, Nila, Gumbat, Anarkali and Lahore, Pakistan. The celebrations was organized by “Pakistan Balmeak Saba” The Chief Organizer was the Padant Lall Khokar , member of ABC4ALL-CC. Mr. Yuel Bhatti represents URI Pakistan. Young Federation of Muslim also participated. A number of Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Bahai community including ladies, gents, youth and children participated in colorful celebration. The Mander was decorated with lighting.

Pandat Lall Khokar reflects some high light and History of Diwali pasted below.

The program was started with Hindu tradition Worship, Prathna, Gian, Arti and Bajan. It was good time to learn the Religious Tradition of Hindu religion.

Joint hand Cake cutting ceremony was held and cake was distributed among all participants.

ABC4ALL Diwali 2.JPG

Ms. Elishba Yuel, Women Coordinator of A Better Community for ALL Pakistan-CC present the flower to women and girls present the flowers while Mr. Yuel Bhatti present sweets to Padant Lall Khokar on the eve of Celebration and he distributed to the guest from URI Pakistan.

Yuel Bhatti said in his speech that it is great joy for us that we are celebrating the Eve of Diwali together with interfaith gathering. Today Fr. James Channan OP, Regional Coordinator Sub Region-Pakistan is out Lahore as he is busy is distribution Relief Package in Ranjpur, Multan. He sent his best wishes and Blessing and prayers for our Hindu brother and Sisters and may this celebration be the source of joy for their families. Yuel also convey and distributed the printed message from:

Vatican Message for Hindu Feast of Diwali pasted below from:

Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran, President and Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata Secretary

He high light some point from below message. He also express that such joint religious celebration are full filling the URI PPP. Today there is great need of religious harmony in our beloved country and as we are facing so many challenges of violence, hunger of flood victims and terrorism. Lets join hand prayer for peace in Pakistan and all over the world. Let us remember that One Minutes daily prayer will be the source of peace and May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Mr.Pandat Lall Khokar said, that I am thankful to Mr. Bhatti for his kindness for conveying the messages of Fr. James and special message from Rome. These messages are reflecting true peace, love and harmony among the religions. He thanks all the participants and the organizing team for successful celebration of Diwali and thanks the Govt. of Pakistan for religious freedom and for all security measurements.

In the end all participants were served Hindu cultural and traditional dinner with Hilwa pore and sweets. All faith eat togather and fun and enjoyed so much.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Yuel Bhatti

Executive Secretary

URI Pakistan &


A Better Community for ALL Pakistan-CC

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