Red Christmas Ornaments on Wood Background and defocused lights. Spruce Tree branch on the left and right.

Dear URI Family,

The Global Mission Awareness CC and 7Star TV organized the 15th Annual Grand Christmas rejoicing program on 12th December 2013 in Lahore, Pakistan.

This program was very unique in that it was an interfaith Christmas celebration. Many Muslim and Hindu religious leaders participated along with the National Muslim Famous TV & Radio Artistes, who rejoiced in Christmas songs.

The following interfaith dignities graced the occasion: Fr. Dr. James Channan OP, Maulana Abdul Khbeer Azad, Allama Zubair Ahmed Zaheer, Mr. Yuel Bhatti, Adovate Zubair Ahmed Farooq, Baghat Lall Khokhar, Fr. Marqus Daniel. Ms. Shabnum Nagi, and Mr. Suhali Ahmed Raz. They all spoke on the occasion and extended the Christmas greeting and said that this program is a true interfaith celebration, fulfilling the URI Principles, Purpose, and Preamble.

IGM Church children partook in a Christmas story play in colorful and traditional dresses and special Christmas messages were delivered by Rev.Dr. Marqus Fida. Pace songs and prayers were made by lighting peace candles.

Film and TV personalities, including singers, actors, and directors participated, preformed and gave speeches to promote peace, love and harmony among all religions.

A special cake cutting ceremony was held by the dignities with team of GMA and 7Star. The program was telecast on 7Star through out the Christmas season and message is spread to the world.

May celebrations of the rince of Peace (Jesus Christ) Christmas be the source of joy, love, peace, light and hope for all the families and around the world. God bless you!

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